Attorney at Law
A LITTLE BACKGROUND: I'm a fierce advocate for my clients. Collection company representatives have attempted to shame me for helping people “not pay their debt.” Let's face it, learning how to manage money in the face of an uncertain future is one of the most challenging struggles families face. How does a parent choose whether to buy food or pay rent when there isn't enough money for both? When credit cards are maxed and foreclosure is looming, asking for help is often one of the toughest things people must do.
Raised in a low-income home in California, I watched my parents struggle to provide housing and put food on the table. My father lost his job due to employer cutbacks. It wasn't cost effective for mom to work while paying daycare for four kids.State welfare programs helped but were just enough to barely scrape by. Information about available resources was slim or difficult for my parents to understand. My parents were poorly treated because they lacked resources and knowledge to better their situation.
I, like many took out student loans to attend undergraduate and law school and like many, struggled to pay them back. Understanding when to consolidate loans, what programs were available and how I could afford my payment was mind boggling. When I graduated, managing my loan payment while trying to start my own practice was downright scary. I also borrowed money to start my practice. How could I be so in debt before even starting my professional career!
Despite overwhelming debt and life challenges, I became a lawyer. I have learned that understanding how a budget works and where to find financial resources is invaluable. Clients finishing with recovery, those with failed businesses, failed marriages, unpaid taxes or job loss all need the same thing- someone to listen, understand their options, guide them to resources and help them get back on their feet.
Since 2002, I have helped thousands of people successfully complete Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies, debt negotiation and home loan modifications. My clients can and should expect that I will listen, be compassionate, and accomplish their goals with an eye towards creating a stronger, more stable financial future. Although my primary focus is bankruptcy law, I also practice personal injury and student loan law.
In my personal time, I enjoy running, biking, camping and weekend trips to the Oregon coast with my husband, grandchildren and friends.
PRACTICE AREAS: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy (Wage Earner Plans), Chapter 7 (Liquidation), Debt workouts/settlements, Student Loan workouts.
BAR ADMISSIONS: Oregon State Bar, 2002 US District Court, District of Oregon, 2002, Oregon Court of Appeals, 2008, Washington State Bar, 2010.
EDUCATION: Northwestern School of Law, Lewis & Clark College (JD 2002) – First Year Moot Court Honors – Oral Advocacy 1999; Portland State University (Bachelor of Science with Honors 1998) Business Administration: General Management and Human Resource Management
MEMBERSHIPS: National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, 2004-Present; Oregon State Bar, 2002 – Present; Washington State Bar, 2010 – Present, Oregon Debtor/Creditor Association, 2003-Present; Washington Debtor/Creditor Association 2010-Present, Executive Committee Debtor/Creditor Section Oregon State Bar, 2006-2007 & 2016 – present;Golden Key International Honor Society 1999 – Present, American Bankruptcy Institute.
AWARDS: 2023 William N. Stiles Award of Merit Recipient (Awarded for extraordinary service to the Section, outstanding contributions to the continuing legal education and promotion of professionalism within the practice and meaningful community involvement, including pro bono work)
ACTIVITIES: Speaker and Planner 2023 American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) CPEX Conference on Ethics and Malpractice; Speaker Oregon Law Institute 2009 (Bankruptcy Law for the Non-Specialist; Chair – Oregon State Bar Consumer Debtor/Creditor Section Meetings, 2005-2009; Speaker Oregon Law Institute 2014 (Armor, Ammunition and Ambushes, Bankruptcy); Volunteer – Legal Aid Services of Oregon Pro-Bono Clinic (2006-current; providing legal assistance to low income consumers); Oregon State Bar Debtor/Creditor Executive Committee (Past Chair 2021, Chair 2020, Chair Elect 2019, Treasurer 2018, Secretary 2017, Member at Large 2015-2016 & 2008-2009).